Renowned Ugandan comedy duo Madrat and Chiko are set to mark a significant milestone in their career with a special show celebrating ten years of laughter. The event, dubbed "10 Years of Madrat and Chiko: Nseko Buseko Season 5," is scheduled for October 8, 2024, at the prestigious Kampala Sheraton Gardens. Organized by Talent Africa Group (TAG) and sponsored by Uganda Waragi, the event promises a night filled with humor, nostalgia, and exciting performances.
During a press conference attended by members of the media, sponsors, and fans, Madrat and Chiko expressed their excitement and gratitude for the support they’ve received throughout their journey in Uganda’s comedy industry. The duo promised to deliver an unforgettable evening, featuring special acts that will highlight their decade-long career in comedy.
“We are incredibly grateful for the love and support we’ve received over the past ten years. This show is not just about us but about everyone who has been a part of our journey. We can’t wait to celebrate this milestone with our fans,” said comedians Madrat and Chiko.
Aly Allibhai, Chief Executive Officer of TAG - Talent Africa Group, shared his enthusiasm about the upcoming event: “We are thrilled to be part of Madrat and Chiko’s 10-year celebration. Their contribution to Uganda’s comedy scene is truly remarkable, and this show will be a testament to their hard work and dedication. We encourage everyone to join us for a night of laughter and joy.”
Hilary Baguma, a representative from Uganda Waragi, expressed the sponsor’s excitement in supporting the event: “Madrat and Chiko have made so many people laugh over the years. We are proud to be a part of this celebration and encourage everyone to come out and celebrate this amazing achievement.”
Tickets for the show are priced at UGX 30,000 for Ordinary and UGX 60,000 for VIP, with early bird offers available at UGX 25,000 and UGX 50,000 respectively. For a more exclusive experience, tables are on offer at UGX 3 million. Tickets are available online via and 16598#.
The event is proudly sponsored by Uganda Waragi and other partners, including Victoria University, Sheraton Hotel, Pepsi, NBS, Sanyuka TV, Safe Boda, and more.
Join Madrat and Chiko on October 8 for an unforgettable night celebrating a decade of comedy and entertainment! They chose the day before independence because they wanted to add a flavor of their celebrations together with the national day.