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    Mistakes Ladies make on the first date.

    Mistakes Ladies make on the first date.
    • August 28, 2023 • 1 year ago

    The first date will surely make you very nervous, to an extent that you will end up doing a few things that could make the air awkward or uncomfortable.

    In a bid to make a good first impression on your date, you may find yourself blundering in all the most important areas that you are supposed to make that great impression your dying to make.

    When you think about out impressing a man on the first date, you may end up spoiling everything instead of making it all rosy. This is because you are trying your best to avoid a mistake.

    Instead of letting nature and free flow take its course, you are taking matters into your own hands and trying to look good in his eyes. Believe me when I say you will feel pressured to the point of making mistakes.

    Many people will tell you to be yourself if you want to make a great first impression. This is entirely true, but here is also another thing you need to keep in mind.

    There are a few certain things that you should limit yourself from doing or saying on a first date because they are huge mistakes.  I am here to dissect for you the few mistakes ladies make on the first date so that you could avoid them for a perfect date.

    I did not know what to say, or what to do next. I watched his smile fade, replaced by a raised eyebrow. I was acting weird and I knew it. I could feel his interest fading with every word I uttered and every gesture my body made. With every effort, it turned worse.

    No one had ever briefed me on the things that I had to avoid during my first date but this terrible experience turned into the best lesson I could ever get in my entire dating life. I learned that even when I had to be myself around him,  I had to observe my limits a d not overstep a few boundaries that made him uncomfortable.

    First date

    Common Mistakes ladies make on the first date.

    Talking about their ex.

    Dear ladies, it is not interesting to hear you go on and on a out your ex. On your first date with a man, he doesn’t want to you  go on about how your ex mistreated you, how he cheated on you or took you for a fool. He does not even want to hear whether your ex was good to you or how good of a kisser he was when you were with him.

    If you keep on talking a out your ex throughout half of the date, your date is going to assume that you have either not moved on from your ex, your obsessed with your ex or your using your ex to set a bar for him. It sounds like your warning him not to be like your ex, something that will put him on pressure instead.

    Being too demanding.

    You just went on your first date woman. Why are we talking a out a house, a car, kids and a family business? You are being too demanding by asking for all these things and planning a future with him already. I mean the two of you have not even figured out where you want the relationship to head.

    Get ahold of yourself dearie. If you get too demanding before even the beginning of the relationship, you will make him imagine how worse the demands will get when he makes it official with you. Remember that men are afraid of women who are too demanding because they are afraid they may not reach that woman's expectations.

    Being late.

    Being late is a very big turn off for gentlemen as much as it is for ladies. Why would you be late on your first date? You may think it is just a simple thing but let me explain to you what being late  on your first date implies.

    It simply means you were not enthusiastic about this as much as he was and also, it implies that you are rather unserious a out the engagements. If you agreed to meet by a specific time, endeavor not to be too late because in the first place, this is an engagement you both planned on earlier on.

    Checking their phones.

    If you are on your first date, the least you can do is keep your hands away from your phone. Ladies have a tendency of checking their messenger every now a d then, diverting their attention from their partners.

    This gentleman in front of you has probably dropped more important things on his schedule to come and be with you because he sees that kind of value in you and the best you can do is rummage through your phone? That is not playing nice.

    Not listening.

    If you are on this date willingly then act like it, alright? Give this gentleman the attention that he deserves. If he is telling you a out something, give him a listening year. Many ladies tend to talk more than they listen on the first date. This portrays you as a selfish and self centered person. You need to acknowledge that not everything is about you but you need to hear from your partner as well.

    Expecting perfection.

    Many ladies expect the first date to be like heaven on earth. They even go as far as leaving no room for error. When a gentleman makes even the slightest of mistakes on the first date, they use that small mistake against him to judge his character and personality. This is wrong ladies a d if I must say, it is the worst mistake you can ever make on your first date. 

    Forgetting table manners.

    Even when you feel free with your date, or maybe you feel comfortable around him, it is advisable not to forget your table manners. Remember that manner maketh man and so your personality is portrayed by how much respect you attach to the table, he meals a d the time you spend in your first date.

    First date

    Flirting too much.

    You would  not want to  e confused for a ‘pick me' girl would you?  It is the first date and your already flirting your way into his heart? That is not how it is done. You just met this gentleman and you are not even sure how be perceives flirting. Some men like it but to some, it feels uncomfortable. Bother to find out his view on flirting before you get your self lost into it.

    Dressing inappropriately.

    It is your first date. Your not going to a bar. Please remember to dress appropriately because even your dress code defines who you are. If you are too raunchy when it comes to dressing up for your first date, it may leave a terrible first impression on your date and this is a mistake you would not want to make, right?

    Frequently Asked Questions.

    What is the biggest mistake people make on a first date?

    Faking it.  The  biggest mistake is to get someone to like an inauthentic version of you. Although it may feel good in the short term, it will be confusing for your partner in the long run. We all want to be loved, but that feeling truly comes only when we are loved for who we are.

    What are red flags from a girl on a first date?

    They don't respect your boundaries. Trotter said it's a warning sign if your date doesn't respect your boundaries, which can manifest in several different ways. "They might overshare about their life. They might ask you too many personal questions. They may get too touchy or sexual early on.

    How a girl should behave on her first date?

    Greet your date warmly. Say hello when you meet up with your date. Go in for a quick but friendly hug to show that you're happy to see them and are open to getting close (if you're comfortable with that). Try cracking a quick joke to diffuse any awkwardness, or even acknowledging that you're nervous.

    What makes a good impression on a first date?

    You want to make a good impression and how you show up and present yourself is the very first step. That means you shouldn't show up in a day old t-shirt and crusty jeans. If you're going on a dinner date, make sure you know the atmosphere and expected wardrobe. Chances are your date is also nervous about what to wear

    What matters on a first date?

    Share the things that are exciting, important, and interesting to you, and ask questions to help your date do the same. And remember: Dates should be fun! Focus on enjoying yourself, authentically getting to know this person and allowing them to get to know you, and just having a fun, connective experience together

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