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    Putin set to visit North Korea, Vietnam

    Putin set to visit North Korea, Vietnam
    • June 11, 2024 • 2 months ago
    in summary
    Russian President Vladimir Putin is planning visits to North Korea and Vietnam in the coming weeks, seeking support for the Ukraine conflict. This will be Putin's second visit to North Korea, the first being in 2000. Russia aims to develop a comprehensive partnership with North Korea, focusing on space satellite development. Putin's visit to Vietnam is tentatively scheduled for June 19-20, with discussions expected to cover energy, military cooperation, payments settlement, and education agreements. These visits come as Russia strengthens ties with countries hostile to the United States amid ongoing tensions in Ukraine.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin is planning to visit North Korea and Vietnam in the coming weeks, according to reports from Russia's Vedomosti newspaper. The visits are part of a broader strategy to seek support for Russia's ongoing conflict with Ukraine and to strengthen ties with countries that have strained relations with the United States. These upcoming trips highlight Russia's efforts to forge new alliances and deepen existing ones amid increasing international isolation.

    Putin's impending visit to North Korea will be his second, with his first visit occurring in 2000, the first year of his presidency. This visit is being "actively prepared," confirmed Russian Ambassador to North Korea Alexander Matsegora. The focus of the trip will be on developing a comprehensive partnership between Russia and North Korea, with particular emphasis on space satellite development. This follows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's visit to Russia last September, during which he toured Russia's Vostochny Cosmodrome space launch center and Putin promised to assist North Korea in building satellites.

    Russian President and North Korean President
    Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un

    The Kremlin has expressed its desire to build partnerships with North Korea "in all areas," though it has not confirmed the exact date of Putin's visit. Strengthening ties with North Korea is part of a broader Russian strategy to engage with countries that are adversarial towards the United States. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Russia has increased its engagement with North Korea and other countries like Iran, which has caused concern in Western capitals.

    In January, the United States and Ukraine accused Russia of using North Korean-supplied short-range ballistic missiles in its attacks on Ukraine, an allegation that Russia has neither confirmed nor denied. Discussions during Putin's visit to North Korea may also include the potential for Russia to bring in migrant workers from North Korea to address its acute labor shortages caused by the Ukraine war, as many Russian men have either gone to fight or fled the country to avoid conscription.

    Simultaneously, Putin's visit to Vietnam is tentatively planned for June 19th-20th, although it has not been officially confirmed. An official in Vietnam indicated that while the dates for the Hanoi visit have been agreed upon, the agenda is still under discussion. Key topics expected to be on the table include energy cooperation, military collaboration, settlement of payments, and agreements in the field of education. Russia's trade representative in Vietnam highlighted that one of the most pressing trade issues between the two countries is banking support for settling payments.

    Vietnam’s foreign ministry has not commented on the planned visit, but the move signifies Russia's intent to deepen its economic and strategic ties with Vietnam. This comes at a time when Russia is seeking to diversify its international partnerships amidst growing sanctions and diplomatic pressures from Western nations.

    In conclusion, President Putin's planned visits to North Korea and Vietnam underscore Russia's strategic pivot towards strengthening relations with nations that are either neutral or hostile to Western influence. These trips are part of a broader effort to secure international support and resources as Russia continues to face significant challenges due to its conflict with Ukraine. The outcome of these visits could have substantial implications for the geopolitical landscape, particularly in the context of Russia's increasingly contentious relationship with the West.

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