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    UBOS Puts Local Governments to Blame for Census Failures

    UBOS Puts Local Governments to Blame for Census Failures
    • May 13, 2024 • 4 months ago
    in summary
    Uganda's sixth National census, flagged off on May 10, 2024, encountered significant setbacks on its initial day. UBOS Executive Director, Dr. Chris Mukiza, assured the public that the census would continue despite the challenges. However, he shifted blame onto local governments, alleging recruitment sabotage.

    The sixth National census, flagged off on May 10, 2024, encountered significant setbacks, with delays and failures plaguing the initial day of the exercise. In Mbale and other areas, enumerators failed to log into the digital system, causing the census to stall. Particularly in Namakwekwe and Nabuyonga wards of Mbale city, the census did not commence as expected.

    Enumerators also voiced concerns over the lack of essential items such as reflector jackets, bags, gumboots, and training allowances, further hampering the census process. Residents, anticipating the census, spent the entire day waiting in vain for enumerators to arrive, sparking criticism and public outrage. The failures sparked criticism and public outrage, with some critics demanding apologies from Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) for wasting time. The first day was critical because it would set the pace and build confidence in the 9-day census period.

    UBOS Executive Director, Dr. Chris Mukiza, acknowledged the challenges faced on the first day but assured the public that the census would continue for the remaining eight days. However, Mukiza shifted blame for the census kickoff mess onto local governments, alleging recruitment sabotage in a press release.

    “We started making alarms in the first week of April when we got rumors that local governments are not calling those who applied online,” Mukiza emphasized while appearing on the "Capital Gang" show on Kampala-based Capital FM radio.

    The census boss pointed fingers at political leaders, particularly in Kampala, where he claimed some mayors facilitated the recruitment of unverified applicants. He revealed that out of the required 114,000 enumerators, 20,000 had not been assigned responsibilities on the system due to backdoor recruitment influenced by local government authorities.

    To address the crisis, UBOS adopted the alleged parallel recruited enumerators, totaling 20,000, and logged them into the system. Despite these challenges, UBOS managed to cover 560,000 households out of the target of 1,000,000, according to Mukiza.

    The census failures highlight the need for improved coordination between UBOS and local governments to ensure the smooth execution of future census exercises and maintain the integrity of data collection processes.

    Additionally, Mukiza blamed the failure to avail enumerators on the limited capacity of suppliers who were supplying items like bags and aprons among others piecemeal.

    However, critics have asked UBOS to own the mess having failed to deliver as expected despite 10 years of preparation.

    “A perfect working day has been wasted, but nobody will lose their job, or even a single day’s allowance over this debacle, nobody will even bother to apologize. Complacency, blind acceptance of abuse,” David FK Mpanga said on social media.

    Peter G. Mwesigye associated the failures with incompetence, cynicism, corruption, and a trust deficit.

    Kira Municipality legislator Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda criticized UBOS for relegating its mandate to local politicians and blaming them. "Because the moment you don’t start well, you are going to create a problem of trust in the outcome of an exercise riddled with problems.”

    Bugweri county legislators criticized UBOS for concentrating its energy on emphasizing the obvious significance of the census rather than addressing the question of conducting a credible census. Katuntu has described Mukiza’s revelation as an admission of incompetence and interference. Additionally, Katuntu noted that the challenges have dented the integrity of the entire process and its outcome. “This country needs process badly”

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