In a devastating turn of events, Counsel Raphael Okiot, a young lawyer known for his passion for justice and human rights, tragically lost his life in a fatal accident at Nkumba earlier Wednesday morning.
The incident occurred when a heavy truck collided with his recently acquired Mitsubishi saloon car (UBQ 371P) at the Nkumba traffic lights along Entebbe Road, as seen in a viral video making rounds on various social media platforms
Okiot, who had just picked up his car from a bond in Kampala on Saturday, April 13, was only four days into enjoying his new possession before the unfortunate accident cut short his life. According to sources close to him, Okiot had expressed excitement about his new car, but sadly, he did not live long enough to fully enjoy it.
"He got it from the bond on Saturday and was excited. It is unfortunate that he has not enjoyed it," lamented one acquaintance.
The loss is compounded by the fact that Okiot's wife, Irene Faith Kwagala, a magistrate, was expecting their first child. Tragically, Okiot will never have the chance to see his child or fulfill his dreams of parenthood.
Described as a confident yet calm individual, Okiot was deeply committed to his work and his principles. Aside from his legal practice, he served as a teaching assistant at the School of Law, Uganda Christian University (UCU) Mukono. He was also known for his outspokenness on matters of justice and human rights.
In a poignant piece published in The Observer in 2017, Okiot condemned the re-arrest of suspects in the murder of AIGP Afande Felix Kaweesi outside Nakawa Magistrates Court after they had been granted bail, highlighting his steadfast commitment to upholding the rule of law.
As news of Okiot's untimely demise spreads, tributes pour in from colleagues, friends, and members of the legal fraternity, mourning the loss of a promising lawyer whose dedication to justice touched many lives.
Videos capturing the grisly aftermath of the accident have circulated on social media platforms, serving as a grim reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of road safety.
The tragic passing of Raphael Okiot leaves a void in the legal community and serves as a sobering reminder of the need for greater vigilance on the roads to prevent further loss of life.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Okiot's family and loved ones during this difficult time.