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    WHO IS RTD LT MAGUFURI MOSES MUGISHA? - Gen. Salim Saleh's Blue eyed boy!

    WHO IS RTD LT MAGUFURI MOSES MUGISHA? - Gen. Salim Saleh's Blue eyed boy!
    • December 16, 2021 • 3 years ago

    Born on February 2, 1986 just a few days after the NRM government assuming power, its only right to refer to Mugisha moses Magufuri Babyomera populary known as Gen. Saleh's Blue eyed boy a true product of President Museveni's government.

    He is a consultant, Researcher, Farmer and political activist against corruption. Magufuri was raised by Rtd Major Babumba Bwohe Henry, a pilot instructor in the Nakasongola Airforce together with Gen Mugisha Muntu's elder brother Herbert Muntu Nuwagaba. Due to his humble family background, Magufuri is said to be a no-nonsense officer who walks the Talk, is principled, honest and respectful.

    The retired Litenaunt in the UPDF army sat his PLE from Kako P/S , UCE from Rwentobo H/S before he moved to Highway College Makerere where he sat his UACE from with Pastor Wilson Bugembe. After his highschool studies, he moved to Nkumba University where he obtained a bachelors degree in Procurement and logistics management. He later added a Masters of procurement and logistics management from the same University. Magufuri also obtained another Masters degree of science in monitoring and evaluation from Nkozi University.

    Rtd Lt Magufuri worked with Roofings Ltd as Administration Assistant  and at Bishop Stuart university Mbarara as a lecturer. He officially joined the army in 2011 from Kabamba Military Academy in Uganda, he was sent to Somalia in 2013 until 2015 on special duties during the struggle by UPDF to restore peace in Somalia where he significantly fought corruption amongst the army something that prompted Gen. Saleh and Operation wealth Creation to deploy him as Procurement and seed monitoring officer at NAADS a position he still holds till date so he fights the corruption that was in that body. At the time of his appointment, NAADS had a variety of issues ranging from corruption, supplying of air to farmers to poor quality seeds among others that he has managed to solve during his tenure amidst resistance from the officials at the NAADS secretariat along Kyadondo road in Kampala where Magufuri sits.

    Well known for fighting corruption in the army while in Somalia and now in NAADS, Magufuri decided to give politics a shot and in 2018, his retirement from the army was approved. This was meant to enable him prepare for the 2021 general elections as Ntungamo Municipality Member of Parliament, a position he aspired for. He however lost the position earlier to Yonah Musinguzi in the NRM party primaries that happened in late 2020, shortly before the general lections in January 2021. Magufuri attributes his failure to internal party weaknesses like allowing everyone to vote, bribing of voters by his main counterpart in the race amongst other reasons that hindered his would be success for the flag bearer position that would eventually get him to the August House. Amidst all the irregularities that were associated with the NRM primaries election in Ntungamo, Magufuri says he let it all go and decided to respect the party constitution by not standing as an opposition candidate for the same position. He however says he is coming back, bigger and better in 2026 to claim the position and his would be victory.

    In a bid to work closely with the government amidst his political position loss, he birthed an idea of an association that would unite all National NRM primaries contenders who lost in 2020 and just like that, Transformers cadre association Uganda came to life with Magufuri himself as National Chief Coordinator. All this did not come as surprise for him but worked hard for it, having identified gaps in monitoring government programs before entering politics. After loosing the political seat, he proposed an idea to director monitoring Operation Wealth Creation, Hon Banyezaki to form an association of NRM MP aspirants in primaries which he did becoming Association, (National Of National Transformers for Sustainable development) , in the process, a one Muhereza went ahead and duplicated it as a company limited by share (Action for Transformation and Sustainable Development) to solicit money from fellow lost MP's! This caused a big war not until the intervention on of Magufuri hence dissolving all the associations and forming Transformers Cadre association Uganda.

    "The purpose of uniting is assistance and mobilising cadre towards supporting government programs like parish modal, wealth Creation , emyooga etc but not political pressure" Magufuri says. According to him, Uganda's problems are syndicated corruption within government institutions and PIG ( poverty , ignorance and greed) as we'll as mind set of the youth towards agriculture.

    “Our economy would be far. If  government via parliament could change Post bank into Agricultural bank or corporation so that scattered money’s are controlled  effectively, China and other African countries like Kenya  have done so as well as establishing  national industrial bank specifically for industrial growth but uganda's Mafias cannot allow them or it to happen” Magufuri adds!

    According to a reliable source in Ntungamo, Magufuri’s political supporters  want  afande  Magufuri to contest as chairman or deputy Chairman of NRM in the Area a position currently held by the First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports and Ivan Rutahwire respectively.

    It’s revealed that there are a number of meetings indirectly taking place for their dream to come true, the objective is to have a young brilliant retired officer but not tired  to be closer to the district to continue infuencing decisions and monitoring the security threat at the Uganda-Rwanda boarder.

    During the campaign seasons, Ntungamo Moslem community managed to meet Gen. Salim Saleh and a number of issues were unlocked like restoration of kemishego primary and secondary schools as well as axtending Islamic banking to the area. These political players according to our source only have hopes in Magufuri to make all this happen due to his close ties with power.

    Magufuri is not a new comer in politics, while  at Nkumba University he was a deadly political  planner. When he was at Bishop Stuart University as a lecturer, Former speaker of parliament Rt Hon alitwala Rebeka Kadaga in writing instructed Chief of Staff of Uganda People’s Defence airforce by then Maj. Gen Moses Rwakitarate to have such  brilliant young man into the army institution. It’s believed that security had sensed potential in him thats how  he found himself in Uganda  miltary academy - Kabamba. After their commission, when still on probation ,he was First among his intakemates  to be deployed in a mission area in Somalia. (Gamba Nogu ) a move to have his magufurification  agenda silenced is against VIPs  who normally tend to associate with him like in 2016 when former Minister without fortforlio Rtd Maj Naduli with his delegation  from luwero visited the young man in at his home in Lubowa.

    Politics aside, Like father like Son, Magufuri just like Gen. Saleh too has love and passion for the music industry in Uganda. The Ugandan Music industry is a big GDP contributor to Uganda's economy and he believes with just a few changes like by implementing laws that protect the industry, all this can be achieved. Magufuli is a close friend to many Ugandan artists and our closes reveal to us that many of them like King Saha, Mary Bata and Ziza Bafana among others are oftenly seen frequenting his home in Lubowa off Entebbe road.

    Magufuri’s latest public feature with artists was over the weekend during Cindy's wedding with now husband Prynce Joel Okoyu where he donated to the couple a freshian cow to provide ready milk to their unborn baby. At the wedding, Magufuri was one of the few people given chance to speak something that proved the trio have known each other for a while. The retired officer advised Cindy to read biblical writings that speak about marriage and love as a whole.

    "I advised the president of Uganda Musicians Association - UMA, Madam Cindy Sanyu to read Amos 3:3 which talks about working together with the same mission and 1 Corinthians 13:13 that talks about love, hope and Faith but the greatest of all is love! United we stand and divided we fall." he said.

    “For musicians to develop, there is need to unite as one" Magufuri added while advising Cindy about the music industry.

    Magufuri with Cindy and Husband Prynce

    Currently being a National Chief Coordinator of  Transformers Cadres Association Uganda, we suspect that through him the Gen. Muhoozi might easily launch his political mission while Ugandans are busy  looking at ever increasing  debt burden amongst other issues. We are closely monitoring Magufuri’s mission and Uganda shouldn't   underestimate his organisational skills in the future!

    This Blue eyed boy of Gen Saleh is said to be one of most loved and merit servants of the general because of his organization in execution of special duties assigned to him. Our close sources say a report offered in by Magufuri to Gen. Saleh is never questioned because his information is based on empirical evidence. He owns a consultancy form, Farms, and good residentials both in Kampala and Ntugamo.

    Being a top tier Researcher and consultant in many aspects of the nation, many people approach him for guidance and ideas which are solution based. He’s got a story to tell!

    Leave a Comment below about this story

    Guest ᛫ 11 months ago
    He is a generation leader who contemplates transformationional leadership. 2026 ntungamo awaits you General ❤️ For God and my country

    Guest ᛫ 2 years ago
    I happy of this great man's zeal he has has for our country. <br /> Few ugandan can atleast to fights corruption.

    Guest ᛫ 2 years ago
    Well done Hon magufuri infact that one gave us courage and hopes as people who were born from humble family but I know you though you don't know me but am your neighbor jxt near your father's residence in rutuntu

    Guest ᛫ 3 years ago
    Good gesture Bwana Honourable

    Guest ᛫ 3 years ago
    Am happy with the story of my comrade Gen Magufuli coz I know him although he don't know me but anyway am also from Ntungamo,I know his father bestly and his brother s coz one of his brothers taught me in highschool and I salute him for being corruption free at all times and finally wish him good luck in his looking forward works

    Guest ᛫ 3 years ago
    A revolution without a Patriotic revolutionists is not a revolution NRM is a revolution therefore we Patriotic Young revolutionists ,it's our responsibility to support arevolution However is it justifiable ?

    Guest ᛫ 3 years ago
    Glory belongs to Jesus

    Guest ᛫ 3 years ago
    ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????? ????????????????????

    Guest ᛫ 3 years ago
    Congratulations honorable Magufuli, someone asked why did he retired early from Army. But I would like to tell this person that honorable Magufuli retirement was a call from God who should come to lead his people from the promise Land. Magufuli oyeer

    Guest ᛫ 3 years ago
    Why did he retire Army going to poltics at his early age ???

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